Those words stung, as much as the knowledge that the relationship I had committed myself to was literally killing me"
Meet @rehana_lauren sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us 💚
"This man that I had grown to love & trust was taking my life & dreams away from me. If it wasn’t him terrorizing me in the middle of the night with whatever weapons he could find, it was him telling me how I wasn’t good enough to please him & how he had begun to find relations elsewhere. If he wasn’t telling me I was better off dead, he was strangling me & shouting he was going to snap my neck & bury me as I was losing consciousness
My life had become an out-of-control obligation to someone else & I was giving away all my power and sense of identity. I shut my laptop on the teacher trainings I'd been browsing & closed my eyes, hoping to avoid another altercation & another upset. I had no access to our finances & bringing in less than $200 a month on my own. One day…I dreamt
I often wonder which came first, God’s voice or Yoga, & I realize that they are one in the same. My “one day” happened rather quickly when I proceeded to walk blindly in faith & separate from this relationship. I scoured my savings, liquidated my retirement fund, & scraped together whatever I could to make a new life. All the while trusting the Universe. The day I left, I was randomly selected as a scholarship recipient to a 200-Hour YTT in Bali, Indonesia by @awakenedlifeschoolofyoga Yoga saved my life
When I am in prayer or meditation, walking or asana, I am closest to God & most interconnected to the world around me. I'm now commited to sharing the healing power of this practice. I truly believe when you let go of all your control, fear, ego & attachments, & humble yourself to the world, dreams bigger than your wildest imagination will manifest before you. So what are you waiting for? Surrender to the Fierce Calm that is the glory of the divine & see how yoga can save you 🙏