"I fell in love with yoga even before it saved me"
Meet Cameroon yoga teacher Angel, sharing her #yogasavedmylife story & motherhood journey with us ❤
"I first noticed this practice in 2006 and curiosity pressured me in to trying some easy yoga poses at home. I was exhilarated by how calm and focused I was after each session, every time...I was hooked! As I practised, I got better at holding poses longer, giving me moments of meditation, achievement & realisation
"I had started off just out of curiosity and ended up learning tremendously about my body, and the things that were clustered in my mind. I was shocked at how distracted I had been in my mind: erratic thoughts leading to erratic acts.
As I practised, I gained clarity on what made me happy & the things I wanted to focus on
I had to make huge, terrifying personal changes. I have always been energetic, impatient. I grew up with a huge fear of doing things slowly, fearing I would miss out. But when I had my daughter, I had to let go of that fear & be strong for her. I could not have done that without my yoga
Yoga made my transition to motherhood extremely easy. Yoga taught me how to pause, calm my breath, & summon the strength I need to be present 24/7 for what i want. That is how I see myself saved by Yoga
My page @liiwirmethod is my constant journal as i continue to witness amazing growth in my yoga poses & in my life. Liiwir is the name of my daughter. I connected deeply with yoga during my pregnancy. I felt it was just right to give it to Liiwir. I wanted to give my daughter something to grow up with: A lifestyle to show her the best way to be happy. Something that whenever she needs it, it will always be there. That is how much I believe yoga is the best solution for me & my family to stay fit, & happy
My priority is to keep deepening my personal yoga practice, to teach by example. I want to be part of this community that is living proof that yoga takes care of your physical & mental health, using just a mat. I am witness to its benefits. It saved me and means I am present for my daughter ❤
Namaste 🙏 Angel "