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"Yoga helps me face, even embrace, my anxiety & auto immune disorder like nothing else"

Meet retreat leader & yoga teacher Shannon @mindbodycomplete sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚



"As much as each of us want a magic pill to make everything that is wrong, right, there isn’t one such thing.  There is, however, one thing that comes close: the ability to connect ones mind and ones body in a harmonious, present moment. It is a gift. This is yoga to me



I have struggled with anxiety since high school.  25+ years later, it still creeps up on me, but I am able to embrace my anxiety in a way today, without medication, in a way I never could before- and that is with my yoga practice



Yoga allows me to drop into my body and to create a union with my mind, heart and spirit.  It allows me to not fret about the past or worry about the future.  It allows expansion, growth and stillness



Yoga is my anti-anxiety prescription.  It is also the reason I don’t have body aches from my auto immune disorder



And, it is the reason I don’t hide in the closet from my children or from daily stressors.  I am grateful, beyond measure, for my time on my mat


Time to connect


Mind and Body"


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