"In my darkest hours I have rolled out my mat and chosen to flow" . Its such a privelige that Seattle based yogini @gonewithkatie has written her #yogasavedmylife story for us! She articulates what yoga has done for her beautifully ❤ "I have struggled with anxiety and depression since my late teens. It wasn't until my mid twenties that I found yoga. I was coming out of a marriage that wasn't right, doing the difficult work to heal latent issues from childhood, and battling stronger bouts of anxiety and depression than I have ever had before I found myself in a place of loneliness, hopelessness and desperation. I had previously taken yoga classes here and there, but I really started to dive into my personal practice at this time. And I'm so glad I did! . . Yoga has taught me, and teaches me daily, to be present. To breathe. To be brave. To not run away, but to run within. It has not been an escape, but rather a vehicle in which I am able to navigate the toughest, most painful parts of myself and of my life Its shown me how to be patient with myself and with others; and to honour myself exactly where I am and wherever that may be. Yoga has also taught me to push my limits. To strive for progress and healing - both in my body and in my soul. Yoga has revealed the light within myself, to myself. Yoga has saved my life, and saves me daily. It can save you too ❤"
