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Yoga has been there, a sanctuary, a place to re-calibrate, reset, restore.

'Yoga saved my life. This is my story' @jessicabellofatto

In 1996 I was a college student by day, a bartender by night.  My then boyfriend (& later husband, now ex) ran a restaurant and bar, full of party people. A life of late shifts, partying afterwards. Cocaine became part of the lifestyle . It was then that I first set foot in the Jivamukti  yoga studio NYC & it nearly killed me! A relentless Ashtanga. But, as I lay in the final savasana, tears came.  My body settled into the earth, my heart felt as if it would burst from the spaciousness created. I returned the next day, & the next.

Deeper into my practice, I embraced pranayama & noticed the cocaine use had an effect on my breathing. I immediately went cold turkey.  Yoga was more important than any drug,  any party . . YOGA SAVED MY LIFE .I became a teacher a year & a half later & its been my path ever since 🙏 . Yoga  continued to save my life from the body image issues & an eating disorder I took into my twenties: practicing Yoga, I wasn't too fat, too short, not pretty enough.  Practicing Yoga, I felt strong, capable, beautiful, empowered

Yoga saved my life again, a couple of years into my practice, my (then almost husband & now ex) & I were on a trip to Europe.  We were getting married 3 months later. I called my father from France.  He told me he loved me.  I told him I would see him in a few days.  He was so excited for me, having not traveled in his own life.  The next day, he had a heart attack & died.  I was 26.  The wedding invitations had gone out with his name on.  During the first few days grieving , I did no yoga. I wept, I tried to sleep, I laid in bed. Then, around the 4th day,  I rolled out my mat, breathed.  Downward dog, Upward Dog, Child's Pose.  I sobbed.  I felt him, I spoke out loud to him.  Dad told me it was ok . So many more stories. Three pregnancies, the demands of motherhood, injuries, divorce, finding love again, losing & starting a business, aging, watching body shift & change, but I am stronger than ever now. Yoga has been there, a sanctuary, a place to re-calibrate, reset, restore.  A place to find answers, to nourish.  To heal ❤


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