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"Yoga came into my life when it was nearly over"

Meet @inga_kellermann sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤



"I was in Hospital after a suffering a complete breakdown. My heart had actually stopped beating & my soul was floating in space saying "Hi" to God


I don't want to tell too much about my family background & upbringing but I remember that I never was rooted or particularly grounded. I looked into life & that never was my home. This earth. This body. Everything was so strange


My range of emotions was so big & my senses so wide I felt so much but I couldn't handle it. There was no vessel for all this stuff: my body was a stranger to me, I didn't feel at home in it


So, from the age of 13 I started to use drugs & alcohol; battled with bulimia nervosa, anorexia & extreme Sports to FEEL ME


But the body is no unbreakable machine & it eventually broke down when I was 20


So, there I was, in hospital, my heart had stopped....but God sent me back, it was not my time to leave this Planet cause I hadn't even really arrived on it yet; "what are you doing here? Go honey, it's not your time! I love you & I'm with you but GO & LIVE !


So as soon I could walk again I went to the Hospital smoking area, smoked....& knew: if I wanted to live I had to change


I went to a yoga Ashram far away from society, totally in nature & stillness


In Savasana I had the same feeling I had in Hospital. God was there. But God was in me. And I felt that within my body. Within my powerful beating heart. Within every breath. In my skin. In my veins. I felt ME.

I cried. And laughed. I felt


This was my first yoga contact and that changed everything 🙏


Now, I do not need drugs or extremes that damage me to feel me anymore. I turned a corner, living clean & healthy, allowing me to give birth to my little boy 6 years ago ❤


Yoga is my Key. My anchor to this fantasic world and body. Grounded. I found my home


And for sure sometimes its hard here on earth but I love it. I nourish my body, to allow me to enjoy this life....this life is a big WOOOOW and I am so thankful that I realized that. And I have yoga to thank for that"


Inga ❤


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