"Yoga became the ultimate key to help me find my peace, I now teach in prison to help others find theirs. #yogasavedmylife Sometimes the people in these stories blow us away with their selflessness. Meet @bhakasana, David Westlake, he could be teaching beautiful people on a beautiful beach. Check the photos. This. Is. Yoga. These are his words đ "All of my life I have been aware of a couple of things. First, my own awkwardness in many social settings & the anxiety often felt amongst people. This intense social pressure made me feel very strange throughout my youth. Then I took up yoga, almost twenty years ago, and everything changed, gradually, but I became more comfortable in myself and amongst others Eventually this led to yoga teacher training & although an uphill struggle at first has turned into my way. Teaching classes & practicing now bring me great peace and a sense of belonging Along with my own journey to find peace comes the awareness of the hardship that so many have in feeling they don't belong in this world. I believe this leads people to do a lot of terrible things both against themselves & to others Heavy with this conviction, I started a prison yoga project in Alaska. Now let me just say that, as in most of my country, inmates suffer all sorts of atrocities & in Alaska itâs on a whole other level. We reach out & offer the message of inward belonging & personal freedom to those suffering up here in the land of light and darkness Honestly it is wonderful that I found yoga because it helped me embrace my own awkwardness as well as granting me the freedom to help those who through their own discomfort have found themselves in prison Please check out my prison yoga @turiya_alaska and support us in this endeavour . Namaste, David đ
