"Yoga saved my life from addiction. It is my life passion to see that every prison in the state of Arizona offer Yoga and Meditation"
This is Pt 2 of the inspirational @stillblessedyogi story đ .

"My Yoga journey first began in 2007. I was 4 weeks clean & sober from a prescription pain killer addiction and just barely clinging onto sobriety My best friend & I were both headed on the same path with our drug addictions before I found Yoga. She is not alive today. If I had not discovered Yoga I believe my story may have ended like hers. YOGA SAVED ME I believe there's NO better way to retrain an addict mind than to have them practice Hot Yoga. It sped up my recovery: from detoxing my body to helping me cope with anxiety & depression & also regulating my sleep patterns. I found a new reason to be excited about life I gained a new set of coping skills to replace the destructive ones! Yoga gave me the strength to walk away from anything that no longer served me My passion is to share this life changing practice with all who will allow me. I am currently trying to get a Yoga program started in the Arizona Department of Corrections to help the addicts who are suffering inside the prison walls. Heroin is very prevalent inside of Arizona prisons & the inmates who are mostly addicts are forced to live with the same drug that caused them to be locked up in the first place! . My fiancĂ© & my oldest son are both addicts who are currently incarcerated & suffering from addiction with no help. . I believe thousands can be spared the pain and suffering that is caused from addiction followed by incarceration if the inmates are given proper skills and tools like Yoga and meditation When I accomplish this I will see to it that we have Yoga and Meditation in every prison across the U.S. With the practice of Yoga, Love & passion we are able to do great things in a small amount of time! My life is surely an example of that! Many blessings to you all on your journey! Namaste!" #yogasavedmylife đ