Meet Kerry @naturesconnection sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words💚
"I had practiced yoga on and off from around age 12, having a mum as a yoga teacher, it kinda just becomes something you do. I tried many styles of yoga, and would drift in and drift out of a practice. As a young adult I had anorexia and the desire to stay thin was the reason I did any form of exercise, I would always come back to a yoga practice and then feel better and stop. In and out for years
I moved through the tormentual cycles of eating disorders and anxiety and then years later went onto having my first child around the age of 28, then a divorce and years of challenges with being a single mum, there was a lot of growing and processing and I built my strength again. Until around 4 years ago, I had gone through another breakup, illness and a family crisis (my son had chosen to live with his dad). MY life felt like it was slipping through my fingers, my son was the reason I lived, he was my everything and I couldn’t hold on to it anymore. No amount of force, control or pleading was going to change the situation and I remember feeling that everyone would be better off without me. Life really sucked. It was hard to see through the darkness
SO I took myself off to my local yoga school and within 2 years of weekly practice, this time a steady/consistent practice, also a daily practice at home. I embarked on my teachers training. I am now a qualified and practicing Yoga teacher. Still a student but also a teacher has kept me steady. I feel like I want to live again. I have rebuilt my life, I have built my strength in both body and mind, I have many purposes to be alive. I am SO glad that yoga pulled me out of the desperation, the sadness, the desire to end my life
Yoga has taught me to ride the waves, to trust and believe that EVERYTHING has a purpose. And I am Constant, I am ALIVE ☀
Namaste, Kerry ❤🙏
