Meet 200 RYT @parhamalise sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚
. "I was drowning in pain, deep in the dark, only able to live minute to minute. In this time of profound sadness, it was yoga that I turned to in order to calm my emotions
I could not have been more in need of the peace & I was so grateful that I knew how and where to go for that feeling. The yoga studio became my church, where I gave in to the higher power. My yoga teacher trainer and mentor @yogijmiles held a much needed space that I couldn’t find anywhere else
After any family event, I would head straight to my mat at home or to class and practice. Practice breathing. Practice letting go. Setting my intention toward Billy’s energy or my family or myself. And slowly, each time, I would feel my heart lift a bit like a reset & I was able to go again
My practice held the power to pull me out of darkness and the crack is how the light got in
Ultimately, this is what I want to do for my students and all others I come in contact with. I want to be the vessel, the channel that holds the space for someone else - and continuously pay it forward until we can all find our way to shine 🙏