Meet @miriamrees sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words
"I always looked to others to find myself, then at the age of 31, following my divorce, I died inside
I was born in Hackney, London to a Muslim father & a Christian mother who was 20 at the time. My mother had her first child, my beautiful sister, at the age of 17. After a turbulent few years my mother took the brave decision to move away to Wales to ensure we had a more stable upbringing. I watched the men I grew up around treating my mum in an unkind way
Aged 13 I found solace in a boyfriend & this continued until I was 31. I realise as I watch tears fall down my husband’s face that I didn’t know a thing about myself & I was following what I thought I should do in life (married, house, possibly upcoming children). Once I had told him our relationship was over I knew I had broken my heart as well as his & others. I felt like I had died inside & it was the worst pain I could ever imagine
Twice in my life I have seriously considered taking my own life & this time I was ready to leave
A year and a half later my friend suggested I go to a yoga retreat in Ibiza, I had no idea I was about to be saved from the darkness. I was in and guided onto the most incredible path. I spent 5 days with angels who opened my eyes to the world & the higher powers who were watching over me
Two years later & my life is now a combination of beauty, amazement & complete joy. Yoga saved my mind, body and awakened my soul
I meditate every day & practice 2-3 times a week. I feel almost at peace when I’m in practice and I’m lucky enough to live in London where we have the most incredible teachers
I’ve gone from being an anxious, over thinker who found my happiness in other people or in drugs & alcohol (to the point where I thought I was not going to make it to the end of the year) to feeling calm, content & at peace with myself
I am now focused on helping others who are struggling to finding their power & living this beautiful life in the way they deserve 💚 Miriam"
