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"This is the story of how #yogasavedmylife following my mother's suicide"

Meet Danielle Diamond @xenstrength founder. These are her words this #suicidepreventionweek 💚



"The reason I love yoga and continue to practice it 20 years later is the sense of compassion it has taught me how to really look deep and see the struggle within that some people are fighting and to love and support them as hard as you can- yet know that you are not responsible for anyone else's happiness. And it's that lesson that finally helped me make peace with my mothers death



I never thought I’d become a Yoga teacher

But then I tried it and immediately fell in love.

In love with the movement, the challenging poses, and the spirituality of it all; the thought that we have control over our thoughts and actions and that the lessons we learn on the mat were completely transferable to the world outside



For the first time in my life I felt like I had control, at least some control, of my thoughts and my life


Before that I was constantly in a state of waiting for the other shoe to drop, for something bad to happen...actually expecting something bad to happen



Growing up in a house with a bi-polar mother was like walking on eggshells 24/7. Every day was a challenge as I tried to ditch those old thinking patterns as an adult, but these new tools I learned were helping me to create change, I could feel it, every day



I was more grateful for what I had and felt blessed to have stumbled upon this path. I had more compassion for my mother and her illness and for myself who, at 24, was trying to deal with her recent suicide without much support



The only place I found it was on my mat . .

And despite my deeper feelings, yoga still made me feel more alive, more grounded, and excited to change my past conditioning. I wanted to share it with everyone I knew



It made me feel good to help others feel good.

It wasn’t a huge effort on my part, I was just sharing what I learned, tools that had helped me transform my mind/body health in ways that I never saw coming 🙏 Danielle" .


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