This is our dear friend Esther @mindfully.me_ who shared her #yogasavedmylife story with us at the start of our journey. Today she posted this & it's a privilege to share her beautiful words 💚
"Today I had a self practice I wasn’t expecting. Visiting my parents back home after a walk I fancied a stretch which turned into one of the most meaningful flows of my life
Why? Because This is the room which I locked out the world & locked myself in. The place where slowly I began to lose myself. The room where I exercised manically at 5am before school and work and again at 11pm before bed. The room where I would hide at family meal times refusing to come out. The room where I would listen to classical music and paint in black paint all my feelings inside. The room which my mind contained and fed me so much criticism and negativity, I considered ending it all at 18
When I go home I don’t normally practice yoga as I see it as a good rest time, but something in me today called me to my mat here
Something inside wanted to show my past self who I am today. Recently I’ve been in a good place mentally, physically and spiritually and I felt the urge to capture it. To show myself I how im a different in body and mind today. how I now move and live my life with love and compassion not hatred and fear
It felt good to come to the mat here, today, like this. It felt good to act with love where hate once lived. To act with kindness where harm once grew. To let myself be myself. It felt like finally at the age 32 I’ve come home 🏠 .