I began my yoga journey several years ago. Full of anxiety and loneliness, I would go to bed pulling the sheets all the way over myself wishing I could disappear. I would take deep breaths reminding myself of all the people I needed to live for."

. She describes herself as a beginner yogi, but we say she's being modest. We're delighted she's responded to our request to share her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words: . "Yoga begins with learning to breathe through every moment, followed by learning to breathe through every movement. Eventually through grounding postures like hero's pose and child's pose I found the self love to breathe for myself. I believe a yoga practice is one of the ultimate acts of self love and self care. The breath brings you back to your hearts center. Bringing calmness, awareness and acceptance of where you are at that moment. . Over time my practice grew and I began practicing more difficult postures and backbends. Learning new postures focuses your mind on what your body can do. This focus teaches us that the mind has a great connection to the way our bodies move and feel. . Each day brings new challenges, yoga has taught me to return to my breath and practice self love. With those tools I am stronger everyday." 🙏 Rebecca also posts as @everydaytreks