Tamsin Chubb @littlefrenchretreat agreed to tell her yoga transformation story because 'If sharing helps just one person struggling with anxiety or depression then that's incredible.' ❤

The face in the picture above is of a very vulnerable, anxious young woman. Me at 23 just before my world imploded. .
It should have been a happy moment celebrating my ceramics graduation with my mum. But I remember having to keep disappearing to the toilets to breathe from hyperventilating. It was three years after my dad had suddenly died of a malignant melanoma and I was still in shock suffering from post traumatic stress and without a clue how to deal with my emotions. .
About a month after this picture I had a nervous breakdown and soon after began yoga. .
Thank God for yoga!
I can honestly say I felt like it saved me. Learning to breathe and get through the anxiety was the first step forward. Bereavement does not get 'better' after a year as some people kept saying to me, it takes time to nurture a broken heart and to accept a whole new world.
It does get easier, just different. When I look back now I can appreciate how the experience of loosing both my parents when I was fairly young has set me on my path, with a desire to connect and understand what it means to live a life well and overcome anxiety and all the other feelings from losing those you love