Meet firefighter @iamshaboya sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚
I was diagnosed with depression & was heavily medicated years ago. The culprit was a past relationship that left me emotionally & psychologically crushed. He broke me, took my self-esteem, voice, isolated me from family & friends, destroyed my reputation amongst my peers & co-workers. It was a toxic environment for both me & my son. I had to get out before I couldn't. I finally found the courage to leave. His revenge was manipulating the system to take my baby away from me. Taking my joy. A part of me died.
The years that followed saw me down a rabbit-hole like Alice in Wonderland. I was in pain all the time, had problems sleeping, eating, losing my hair & I was heavily medicated, zombie-like & I don't remember some things.
A friend introduced me to yoga, but although I would start feeling better, I would stop
For a period, I was in the wrong place, partying with the wrong crowd, at the wrong time... I suffered being drugged, sexually abused & - even worse - I no longer recognized myself. It's safe to say I was lost & afraid: suffering in shame & silence. Yoga helped me overcome. Again I felt better, but stopped
I returned to my practice early 2018. This time the reason was I was feeling stuck, not knowing what to do with my life. It was not so much that I was depressed but I just felt stuck. Unsatisfied with work, private life, my growth
Now I am more dedicated to bettering myself, rising above depression, becoming more GRATEFUL & MINDFUL
I'm in a good place & it's a good time in my life. I am mother to two beautiful boys that are my life. They bring me so much joy. I've grown & I continue to. I'm a better person, daughter, sister , friend & better mother
Now I'm focused on helping others becoming their best selves. I don't have a grand practice sharing with approach is each one teach one...& if I've touched one life positively, I've accomplished my objective
Yoga saved my life & gave me my voice.