Meet Hannah @renewyoga sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚
"Self respect, self worth and self love all start with self, yet we are so good at being kind and loving to the ones we care dearly about but often so so cruel to ourselves
Obsessing about my weight until I one day found myself with an eating disorder, my nose to the point of going for a nose job consultation, my mild acne to the point of not going out with friends, my flat chest so I would stick 2 pairs of socks down my bra (these were before the days of chicken fillets😆), my discoloured front tooth so I didn’t smile with my mouth open, etc etc
None of these physical things have changed in my body: I’m never going to have a long lean cellulite free body, I still have a strong nose & tiny boobs, temperamental skin and a dead front tooth; Yet I no longer have an eating disorder, I choose to wear an attention drawing nose ring and own low cut tops, I don’t wear foundation & I smile bright and wide
I look at that second photo of me above: It would be so easy to be drawn straight to the cellulite on my left leg in this picture, the two large scars on my left hip and calf, the squidginess of my hips in this bikini or the peeling skin on my right big toe (zoom in, it’s not pretty😷), but instead I choose to see everything else that I love and remember the beautiful moment that it was
Yoga teaches us that we are perfect exactly as we are. With all our flaws and problems, there’s no need to change anything. Maybe all that we need to change is the thought that we need to change 🙏 Hannah"