"Sometimes it take hundreds of falls, thousands of mistakes to realize this worthiness to be loved" . . This is the awesome International #acroyoga teacher Bryan Bennett @theacrocaveman, posting under #yogasavedmylife. These are his words! đ . "I was an awkward, little, chubby kid. I used to pray that someone would want to play with me on the playground. I grew up feeling lonely at times and I'd frequently let people just walk all over me. I used to be so confused and bitter as to why the universe dealt me this hand. Fast forward to today and BOOM! I am the fucking playground and I encourage people to walk all over me every day. I never thought, ever, that I would be strong enough, coordinated enough, or just worth enough to do what I do now. â€

Now, my life mission is lift people; show them that they never have to feel alone on the playground; teach them that they don't always have to be the one that gets stepped all over; and invite them to see that it doesn't matter how old you are, how big or small you are. EVERYONE deserves love. Period. But everyone deserves to feel loved. Whether you did the walking on others or people walked all over you, you're worthy Whether you were or are big or small, tall or short, you are worthy. I can't stress this enough: You are loved. Thank you for reading. Thank you for seeing the good." đ Check out Bryan's inspiring #yoga retreats at www.sanghaexperience.com