Meet @brionygardner this is her #yogasavedmylife story. These are her words ❤
"In 2015, I was feeling quite down & the more I held in my negative thoughts, they bubbled & stewed in my mind until I couldn’t take it any more. So I booked an appointment with a GP & told her how I felt. I was only in her room for about 3-4 minutes & was handed a prescription for anti-depressants
I was then convinced that this was the answer. I would forever be on medication because I couldn’t learn how to read or share my emotions. The GP was lovely but I’m convinced she wanted to hurry my appointment to get onto the next slot. She didn’t talk things through with me, ask me how long I’ve felt down for; she didn’t tell me I’m not alone or that antidepressants aren’t the only answer
She didn’t tell me that TALKING is a life-saver. Pills were a quicker & easier solution for her. Luckily I had someone at home to hug me & tell me to pause, to think about other options. It was this point I put the pills in the cupboard, unopened, & googled what I should do if I’m feeling down. One of the top answers was yoga
I’m not trying to get you to start yoga or come to a class of mine, in fact this now isn’t about me. It’s about you. It’s about how you’re feeling & if there’s anything that can help you express your emotions a little better, anything that can help your head feel a little clearer
Why am I sharing this? Its just in case just a single one of you reads this & thinks, ah, maybe those pills aren’t the answer to everything, maybe the answer is already inside of me
So as I wave bye to those pills that sat in the back of my cupboard for almost 3 years, I wave hello to anyone out there who just wants a pair of ears to listen to your story. Because sometimes, not always, but maybe, a pair of ears is all we need ❤ Briony 🙏
