Meet Kelly @keldoesyoga sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤
"I was struggling with my weight after having two kids at 18 and 19 and was in a marriage I had COMPLETELY checked out of. We were so young and took on so much responsibility that it just got the best of us. I knew I needed to make a change but had no idea where or how to start. So I did the worst thing possible; I had an affair
Afterwards I was so ashamed and grew to hate everything about myself. I lost my marriage, most of my friends, everything. I thought for SURE there was no way I would come back from this type of pain
Then, when I needed it most, one of my dear friends, Jessie, introduced me to #yoga and it changed my life. As I practiced and focused on yogi teachings I was able to accept the mistakes I had made, forgive myself, and start to heal
I was able to rebuild a relationship with my ex husband (who I’m proud to say is one of my greatest friends) and, oh yeah, did I mention I dropped 100lbs, too?! 😜
I will forever be grateful for the teachings and #transformation yoga has brought to my life. I will continue shining, learning, practicing and growing so I can share my story and hopefully help someone along the way ❤️ .
Kelly ❤🙏
