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People often think I’ve always been a happy woman, especially since my endeavor into yoga & wellness

Meet @kara_traveling_yogi

These are her words ❤



"I was hesitant about writing this post but due to this weeks unfortunate news we need to share our stories so no one feels alone.


I am going to be completely honest with you. Please know that right now in my life I am doing really well & happier than I’ve ever been. However, that has not always been the case. Please no judgements as you keep reading, only compassion



I have had a serious struggle getting to this place as I have been clinically diagnosed with severe depression & anxiety. Though I have never attempted suicide, there have been days, months, & years I have seriously contemplated its darkness. There have been times I became so enveloped with internal pain I had to force myself to swallow it in the most public of settings. There were days I could not get out of bed & if I did I would hide this pain deep inside. I’ve been really talented at being functionally depressed/anxious since I was a little girl. People were often confused or even rude by my sensitive behavior. I remember having to excuse myself from social settings to privately cry so no one could see my weakness. I did not want ANYONE to know. I came to understand how someone could choose death. It means something deep inside hurts so, so badly and you don’t know any other way to release it. It is excruciatingly painful. 💔



I try to be a little more honest each time I share. I want the world to know deep healing exists & NEVER let ANYONE tell you how to feel. Respect what emotion comes up for you. Respect that you have a place in this world. ❤️ Every single day I wake up & recommit myself to living my best life. Sometimes I still feel bad days, but it’s my passion to share healing that keeps me going. It’s the stillness & quiet moments that cure my suffering



If you know someone who struggles with depression or anxiety... please check on them. Ask them how they are truly doing. Let them know you are thinking of them because even the strong, successful ones may be struggling. I love you ❤"


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