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"My Yoga mat was the first place I felt empowered"

Meet Hannah Carolyn Jenkins @hannahsrituals very kindly sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words ❤



"I was holding so tightly onto anger & certain limiting beliefs & my mat was where I began to break through them"



Yoga was the entry into all of my healing. It gave me patience and trust in the process of healing through therapy and meditation and coaching



One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned from my practice is that there is simply no rushing the body. I found surrender. There is no substitute for consistent practice over time: this applies to asana, to letting go, to forgiving and loving myself, to choosing to connect



Mindfulness, this moving meditation... I started to get clear on when I’m having a reaction: when my mind kicks in with stories & I reflexively berate myself or put up walls; when I’m triggered by another person instead of going off on them I can calm and take a breath and choose a conscious response instead of being in a reactive state



The power of intention

The power of commitment and practice The beauty of breath and the space it creates



My mat was the first place I felt empowered, the first place I felt myself release myself from those negative stories & bitterness



What I’ve seen in myself on the mat has given me confidence to go after what I want in life with hunger and passion, trusting in the universe and the path I’m on



Yoga connected me to my body, and my body taught me how to feel and intuit instead of overthinking over analyzing and ending up paralyzed by anxiety anyways



Connecting to my body also led me to treating it better



Yoga saved my life ❤🙏"


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