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"My whole life, I’ve always felt different. I never felt that I belonged. Ever. Anywhere"

Meet sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚



"I never felt at home anywhere. When I was little it was because my accent was different, my skin & my hair darker, my parents were both foreigners. The feeling followed me throughout the whole duration of my schooling



In high school it made me so insecure, I felt that something was wrong with me, and I didn’t have a boyfriend until I was 18. During my studies I rebelled against what was taught to me because I felt it wasn’t rooted in reality


Then I had to travel to Latin America by myself & thought that if I moved to Mexico I would feel that I belonged there. I pretended I was Mexican for three years & then I was doing so bad I was disassociating I had to move back home. This feeling that I’m fundamentally different still sits with me today most of the time


But then I found yoga. I was never “good” at it, I was never skinny or super fit or flexible, but I instantly felt that I belonged 🙏


Yoga brought me a sense of belonging from the inside. That this is right. It’s the only time a teacher told me “you were meant for this”. The only thing that makes me feel that I’m working hand in hand with the universe when I’m sharing it: that I don’t have to force to feel at home


Yoga taught me that it’s ok to be uncomfortable. That the body is not the enemy. That I am much stronger than I give myself credit for. That it will always be there for me


Yoga helps me in a life of chronic pain from an autoimmune disease & endometriosis.

By moving in a gentle way & combining it with soft techniques to get back in the body (breathing techniques, mindfulness, self-love and compassion) we allow the muscles to relax and the energy to circulate. We create more space, which reduces inflammation, reduces pain


Yoga brings me home. Literally.

I belong. On the mat


My heart is full of gratitude for this practice that welcomed me with open arms, never judging me.

(Aaaand I’m tearing up!)

Life has its own little ways of showing us the way.🙏🏼✨💗


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