"Diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis at 18 years old, I was born in Poland, grew up in England and now I am living in Germany
My yoga journey started around 5 years ago in England. One of my friends from dance, is a yoga teacher and I went to simply try it out. Experience something new, try a way to bring peace, clarity and positivity into my life
At that time I was in toxic relationships, surrounded by the wrong people, and dealing with childhood traumas that kept coming up. Dance was my way of escaping, not a healthy way to deal and solve problems
After my first yoga lesson, I fell in love. It just felt so refreshing to simply focus on me. On my needs, my feelings, my breath, just me, my body and my soul. I loved it all, the spiritual aspect, and emotional release I experienced, and the physical challenge. Then I continued my journey attending lessons 3 to 4 times a week with the same yoga teacher. I just felt so safe and comfortable next to her, so it felt so right
I then moved to Germany, couldn’t find a teacher who would make me feel the same, life sort of happened and I stopped doing yoga that much. Until around 7 months ago, then my teacher from England started offering online classes. So I started with full force again, and I realised how I never should have stopped
Now a few months later, I am now a qualified yoga teacher, giving therapeutic yoga to everyone. My mission is truly to show that yoga is for everyone, yoga can be anything you wish it to be, and that it can be a magical transforming experience. I’ve discovered my love for anatomy, spirituality and a better way of living, thinking and being: all thanks to my incredible teachers I am now able to spread the love and magic around even more 💚
With yoga I am more in tune with my body, it helps me realise my worth, my confidence, my self love, notice and work on my own thoughts. Understanding that each one of us is on their own journey, yet we are all so connected
Realise, Accept, Try, Believe, Trust, Love, Kindness, Belief