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"My mum introduced me to yoga after my uncle took his own life. We both needed to find solace"


Meet our lovely friend Alice @theselfevolutioncoach sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us the day before she starts her YTT. These are her words 💚



"In my early twenties grief ripped through my heart again when I lost my best friend. This time it was reckless, caring not if I lived or died. Then almost exactly a year later I nearly did, when I was hit full speed by a black cab in central London


I woke up in an ambulance with my neck in a brace, unable to feel anything from the waist down... laughing. The paramedics asked me what I was laughing at and I replied “I’m alive!”. And for the first time in a long time I felt grateful to be


I got off extremely lightly considering. I tore a ligament in my knee & my right elbow was shattered & needed pins. When the cast came off I had to retrain my arm to straighten


The first time I was able to come back to the mat I wept. My body couldn’t do what it used to. I felt broken in so many ways


Over the next six years I completely transformed my inner world through coaching, therapy, yoga & EFT; and built my own coaching business supporting other women to transform their inner worlds too


Yet despite my life looking and feeling very different now, I still feel like my body hasn’t quite caught up with me. Worse than the external scars, the trauma has left me with limiting beliefs about my body’s capabilities & strength


So this year, after being inspired by so many incredible yogis of all body types & histories, I’ve decided to do something I’ve been thinking about for years, but never really believed my body was “strong enough” “skinny enough” “bendy enough”... “good enough” to do - my yoga teacher training


We start tomorrow


And me and my beautiful, brave body will see you on the flip side 💚



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