"My life has seen constant change, making me anxious. Without yoga I would be less resilient, less grounded"
Meet Suzie @shushuka_yoga supporting @ourmala charity by purchasing one of our fundraising tops & sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚
"I was restless several years ago - in my work, in my private life, I couldn't even sit in one place for long. I'd sit down for a coffee with friends & I was thinking about where to go next
I was never really present at all. Sometimes people said I looked calm but inside, I wasn't . I was full of anxiety, 'what ifs' & convinced I am not enough. I felt that I was missing something & I went from job to job, just for an another office job but with a slightly profile over & over again. Finally I met my boyfriend who is my husband now. We moved to another country
At one point I got a new position at work and at the same time I felt really overwhelmed by a friend. My body started suffering physical responses to the stress. Anxiety meant I couldn't breath properly, I felt I cannot get enough air & I'd panic. That was the point when I started doing yoga
Slowly , something shifted inside. I learned to manage my anxiety, quiet my mind. My breathing problem started to disappear
Roughly 2 years later my son was born. For me (and for my husband too) it is quite challenging. We love our son, he is a very clever active, but it's not been easy. Yoga helped me again in difficult times: lifting me up, helping me release, to let go & helping me find a better mindset. It gives me energy on days when I feel run down
Finally I decided to go for my yoga teacher training. If you'd asked me several years ago (like being a wife, mom and teacher)... I would not have predicted I'd be flourishing like this! .
Thank you yoga. Thank you for helping me learn to thrive, to feel confident, to just cope
Because of yoga I am constantly learning: learning about myself, growing. Learning about others, about this beautiful universe and all around us. Yoga is a process of constant transformation. And it is so-so okay to be Fierce in your intentions and Calm in your reactions at the same time 💚
