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My hole life turned upside down 8 months ago & I didn't understand what was happening

Meet @dianaherrejon sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words . . "I was a workaholic, working 13 hour days without breaks even to eat, much of it in a job surrounded by people with really bad energy. I didn't have time for anything except work, & I was in a 7 year relationship that I knew deep inside iwasn't working but I was forcing it to be okay giving to it those little spaces of free time . With no spare time, I neglected my health, I didn't do any kind of exercise for 10 years, & my body was starting to show the consequences - a double lumbar scoliosis & lumbar spinal stenosis problems . I knew I had to stop working so much, spend time with my family, friends & even with me, but I was afraid of change . Suddenly everything changed: I lost my job & got into legal problems because of this, my relationship ended & I fell into a deep depression . Everything I knew was gone & although I was full of free time, I was feeling terrible . Here is when yoga appears . I had to find something to do while I was solving my problems, so I took a yoga class which I thought was for old people & didn't require much effort . Surprisingly I found myself in a class surrounded of people with an energy that I can't describe with words, but I was feeling calm, free & happier than ever in my life . I discovered a had lost the love for myself & I wasn't paying attention to the most important thing in the world: "me"💚 . So I started to practice yoga twice a week. And I noticed that my back pain was incredibly disappearing and I was getting hungry to know more about yoga and everything it involves . Now here I am, practicing every day or every single free moment during my day . I have learned to listen to the universe, to my body & to get in love with myself again . I came to the conclusion that the universe wants us to flip our respective. When our lives are thrown into chaos, we are forced to grow into new versions of ourselves that are stronger & better & more capable than we've ever been. Yoga helped me realise that and become that new person 🙏 Diana


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