"At the age of 12
I came to know that I have cervical spondylosis. Doctors told me to quit dancing & playing outside. I felt awful all of the time: head ache, stiff neck; pain in my shoulders, hands & tremendous pain in the base of my skull
I was advised to do daily neck stretches and other mobility exercises, but for my teenage years I neglected them & I suffered. When I turned 19 I realised my mistake when I started studying anatomy in my first year of studies to become a dentist. I learnt the importance of the head and neck as two essential parts of our body and began doing those exercises and neck stretches which I'd neglected my whole my life, as I'd been taking anti-inflammatory pills & high dose drugs as a seemingly quicker 'fix'. I discovered I'd been wrong
In October 2016 I went and ordered my first yoga mat & I started practicing using YouTube & a few downloaded books. My world changed.
I fell in love with yoga. As I continued teaching myself in my little college hostel room, the pain & stiffness I'd struggled with my whole life went away. But something else happened
The anger, anxiety & depression I'd battled since being bullied at high school went away as well. I'd been called everything: skinny, fat, too dark - told to use skin lightening cream - ugly. Made to feel inferior because I didn't conform to their perfect ideal of what a girl should look or dress like. And as I studied Dentistry, the pressure also gave me anxiety. Yet now I was practicing yoga. It had gone. I felt strong, confident, empowered. I learned to cope. I learned to love myself
And now, I'm sharing that love. I've gone on to hopefully inspire others. I've gone from the newbie yogini to become Yogini_trinayana: teaching others online and helping others offline
Some say Yoga heals you from the inside & all I can say is that is exactly what it did for me. I want to use the platform I've created for myself to help others heal, help them learn to love themselves & their body and feel that connection between body and soul. That is yoga for me and it saved my life" 🙏