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Meet @thenikhildadhich taking the courageous step of sharing his #yogasavedmylife story with us.

We should never forget, its not easy for many, especially for men, just to admit that we struggle, and it means so much to share this space with people from so many different cultures, brave enough to step forward and help #stopthestigma regarding mental health. These are Nikhil's words 💚

2016 was not a very good year for me. I went through many personal ups & downs, leading me into depression

I started yoga to help me climb out if depression when nothing else worked, in December 2016" .

Yoga has saved my life. It has lead me to a place of Happiness and peacefulness


I start my day with practicing Yoga, it gives me peace of mind and makes me energetic. Yoga has given me the techniques to balance my life


By practicing yoga I lead a life more peaceful, anxiety free, stress free, jealous free, ego free and so many more


Yoga works like a filter to my thoughts, and convert bad thoughts to good thoughts


Yoga gave me priceless things which are ‘the peace of mind’, ‘quality of life’, etc and now Yoga has become an integral part of my life. It has saved me from depression, transformed me. And for that I am truly grateful" .

Nikhil Dadhich .


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