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Meet @the.healing.yogini sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us 💚

Surviving Munchausen By Proxy


"I don’t remember feelings of comfort & safety as a child, or that my body was my own sacred space. I remember after my parents’ divorce, my Mother started taking me to multiple Dr's appointments


I was 6 & it didn’t seem strange to me she was taking me to the people meant to heal. I trusted my mother. By the time I was 16, I had been hospitalized over 9 times; 3 diagnostic surgeries, numerous invasive tests & medication trials that would all later prove to be medically unnecessary .


I broke away from my mentally ill mother after my husband & I became pregnant with our daughter. The shock of realizing I was going to have a daughter sent me into a depressive state that also produced deep-rooted disordered eating behavior, with flashbacks of my childhood & lacking any self-love or trust in myself to care for this amazing gift from GOD, I turned to hope & sought treatment aged 30


I then met a wonderful yoga teacher: a light was so bright in my darkest time. Her teachings of the ethical practice of yoga & the importance of breathing patterns, was new to me. For the first time ever, I felt connected to my body, emotions, thoughts & breathe. Yoga gave me space to release the years of physical & emotional pain locked inside. I remember the first time I cried during a yoga practice was so cleansing


I also did cognitive talk therapy, but the defining element in recovery was the lifestyle approach to yoga . It opened doors to life I never knew existed: of patience, compassion, grace, & strength. This poured into my relationship with my daughter


Years later, yoga is something she and I enjoy doing together, focused on the ethics & moral observances of yoga I love teaching her the importance of loving herself & to feel strong & empowered. She reminds me to enjoy the moments we often take for granted because we are so caught up in past or future thoughts


Yoga has taught me to myself. To make mistakes & treat myself with compassion: learn from them & turn them into the greatest gifts of life 🙏



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