"I was in a car accident that changed the course of my life at 17. The accident broke my pelvis in 4 places, my sacrum, & several ribs. My broken ribs caused a collapsed lung & lacerations on my liver. My heart took a big hit, & I also sustained a traumatic brain injury that left me with lingering double vision for nine months. In just one brief moment, my life course dramatically shifted. I was never the same again"
Meet @susie.rokosch sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚
. "Debilitating chronic pain became my norm, and twelve years later I ended up with a spinal fusion. My surgery came with unforeseen complications and challenges that I was not equipped to handle. I was at the lowest point of my life
And then I found yoga. Yoga saved my life 🙏
After reaching a plateau with physical therapy, my PT urged me to try yoga. I didn’t understand exactly what was happening during that first class, but I knew I was in less pain than I had been in for years, and I also felt more at peace & happier than I had been in a long time
I began a consistent yoga practice, and I am now living 100% pain and medication free. Through yoga I was able to heal and begin trusting first my physical body, next myself, and then in something greater than myself
My professional background is rooted in clinical social work, and after discovering yoga I knew that I wanted to continue working in a serving capacity, but through yoga instead. I connected with a non-profit called Yoga 4 Change (Y4C) & began teaching to individuals in the organization’s correctional program. A year later @y4c_official began expanding, & I was given the opportunity to move to Tampa, Fl to begin programming in Tampa & Orlando
Today I am honored & excited to be living in this work on a daily basis & to have the opportunity each day to bring yoga to individuals who otherwise would have no access to it 💚