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Meet @stephaniesnyderyoga Founder @lovestoryyoga sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us ❤

"Yoga became a salve that I could generously apply to the wreckage & climb my way out of a long standing deep mess

I fell into yoga a few times in college, hungover & confused.  After college I moved to Utah to be a ski bum for a bit & fell into a few more yoga classes. The Universe seemed to urge me on this way until I found myself living in San Francisco in my early 20's. Everyone in SF does yoga & it was hard NOT to fall into a class . SO I did



It was when I was 'hittin bottom' with drugs & alchohol & the partying had become more necessary than it was fun. Things were falling apart quickly. So although most of my late teens & early twenties are kind of a blur, I do remember one defining yoga moment during this tumultous time: a Savasana that led me to today 🙏


After practicing sporadically, it was in that particular Savasana when I experienced a profound sense of well-being -- for about 10 seconds & then the crazy came back. But those seconds changed everything. From that point on I knew there was something in the practice that would save me. After all, 10 seconds of calm inside twenty years of crazy will change a girl

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From there a lot of good & hard stuff happened at the same time. I clung to the practice & it has been a steady companion ever since



I had no intention of teaching yoga when I signed up for my first (of many) trainings. I didn’t have an amazing practice or know what the sutras were, I didn’t meditate & wasn’t a vegetarian. I wasn’t doing yoga everyday but when I did get to a class there was something in me that was awakened


I signed up for an Ashtanga based training & loved it. It changed my life. The beginning of a new life. I didn’t know it then but that part of me that was waking up was my #dharma . YTT was a crucial step toward living an authentic & fulfilling life🙏



Why Love Story Yoga? Yoga is the greatest love story of all time. It's where we fall back in love with ourselves, our gifts & limitations. Where we fall in love with our life - sometimes messy & sometimes amazing but always worth it" ❤ Stephanie


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