"At 15 I was so shy & lacking confidence, I started secretly practicing yoga from a book, in my bedroom before school
I was a girl who would be very happy sometimes & sometimes very sad for even the smallest reasons. I was a a shy person & could not open up much or share. But this was only the outer Shreya
The “SHREYA” inside me was the one who dreams big. She always knew that life is never going to be easy & to fulfil these big dreams you need to open up & be confident enough. No matter what is your dream and who are you , you are not less than someone else. Don’t let the people around you affect your confidence. This was the 'unconfident Shreya'
Also I always wanted to be fit & understood that being physically & mentally fit is the way to remain healthy. So I started learning yoga at 15 from my school PT book. I used to wake up early & start practicing in secret. But I never shared this with anyone. Not even my family that I love doing yoga & dance as I was not so confident about myself
. I started meditating & there came a slow change in me. I always had a faith in spirituality. I connected with myself & started feeling confident about myself. This didn't happen overnight, it wasn't easy. It took almost 2 years for me to really speak out loud & feel comfortable about who I am. I started to share my interests with people
Yoga increased my concentration levels & I started getting excellent grades in my last two years of my schooling
Now it is this “SHREYA” who is having confidenc
e & shows the world what she is & what she does when she says I do “YOGA”
Now this is the Shreya who is the one who will fight back if some tries to shake her self-confidence. I am achieving emotional balance & still progressing. Yoga is my life 🙏
My story isn't that dramatic, but it made a big difference to me. It changed my life. Happy six years of yoga & counting"🙏 Shreya Panjwani