"In 2015 I found myself at a crossroad. I was unhappy with my life, unhappy with my marriage, & continuing to make the same decisions that kept landing me in the same place
I was drinking too much, and finding any way possible to spend my time not dealing with my life or my emotions. The thought of walking away from my marriage and my life as it was felt like something I couldn’t process or deal with, so I didn’t. But things were growing increasingly worse and I was on a downward spiral
I had been practicing yoga for a couple of years at this point, but nothing serious. And then a friend of mine told me I needed to get certified because she thought I would make a great instructor
Little did I know this would be one of the most important decisions of my life
Going through YTT gave me a strength I didn’t even know existed in myself. It took me on a journey that made me realize how much more self worth I should have. It gave me a tribe and a purpose and a light and a voice. And upon my graduation, I announced I would be leaving my life as I knew it before
This isn’t something that has changed over night. I mourned the loss of my marriage for quite some time. And growing pains are a real thing, in addition to the depression I battle
And you have to be willing to lose those around you who you thought were friends. These things are the toughest things I’ve ever had to face. But, I can always come back to my practice and my tribe. They have been here steadily to lift me up when I am at my lowest. And for that I am eternally grateful
Namaste Sarah 🙏❤
