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Meet @samdyllon sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚

"Most would say I’ve been lucky in life, but few truly know the totality of what my past contains – a lot of it, now, I even conceal from myself, although this tactic has also taken with it great swathes of memories I would have rather kept – such is the lot of someone who desperately wants to forget" . . "When Lee from Fierce Calm asked me how I felt about sharing my story, I set to writing down how yoga has helped me &... 2,200 words later, I was just about finished - and although it was far too much for an Instagram caption, it has helped my fiancé understand me, and one day some of it might make its way on to my blog . . Ironically, I’m still left with my problems: depression, anxiety, an eating disorder, and panic attacks, to name just a few. I am a work in progress. Abusive relationships will do that to you . Thankfully, returning to yoga in 2015 helped me to latch onto some small piece of sanity & self-worth I still had hidden away; this soon became a daily practice, and in my darkest times, when people have tried to turn my own mind against me, it began to act as both a shield and a mirror – to both protect me, and show me who I really was, when others were trying to make me doubt myself . Four years later, and I feel so lucky to be marrying my best friend at the end of May; we’re both using it as a fresh start for everything. Fresh names, fresh outlook, fresh activities, fresh social media, and – in time – a fresh life in a beautiful new country, where the weather will be incapable of wreaking havoc upon both our moods as well as our plans . One breath, one step, one move at a time – and yoga helps to remind me that a little work, a little effort, over time builds into something much greater 🙏 Sam" .


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