“ When I was 22 I decided to leave everything behind and start a new life in London, England. Not long after, I was diagnosed with PCOS which led to about 20kg extra & an initial thought of perhaps struggling to have babies in the future
I never for one second doubted myself but I struggled to follow what the doctor advised me to do – give up sugar & exercise. I loved food, I hated exercise & I now had 20kg extra.
After unsuccessful diets & dreadful gym sessions I simply began to take baby steps & set my mind straight
I turned to yoga 🙏
I watched myself heal. But this time it was different because I watched every step of the healing process. I didn’t force anything
I began to think of a world without comparison. A world where I can only measure my own progress.
Yoga worked because it stripped away all the denial & laid bare my heart in all its vulnerability. I made myself strong enough to feel all the pain purely so I can heal & learn. I realised that if I wasn’t strong enough to feel all the pain, I’ll never be strong enough to feel someone else’s pain. My children will need me. My family will need me
I couldn’t find a way to release the tension & my body knew that. I was rushing into everything; from a simple pose to an important decision. I wanted everything at once. All the pain that we feel throughout our lives is due to our trapped emotions. Emotions need to get out in order to release the pain
I began to see time as my best friend & give time to my own time
I let myself be in charge of finding value of my own self. I began to control the poses.
Today I understand that I don’t have to perform perfectly to feel loved
Today I am proud of every bit of progress. I healed my PCOS without medication, lost weight by becoming vegan( no dieting) & now work for a mental health charity as an Employment Specialist. My body became stronger & stronger through it all
Because of yoga I’m not running no more; I’m not afraid of feeling, failing, falling. I’m not afraid of healing. I’m not afraid to release. Yoga Saved my life ❤
