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Meet @ricardo_the_yogi_chef hearing his #yogasavedmylife story with us💚

"My mom introduced me to yoga when I was 18. I was seriously overweight & one of those kids who hated doing any kind of sport"


"I was overweight because I ate my feelings back in Guatemala because I couldn’t be myself


Mom convinced me to go with her & I instantly fell in love with yoga. Nobody competing with me, judging me


I moved from Guatemala to France & sorry to say I stopped practicing. After a terrible breakup I started feeling really angry at the world, aggressive & all those other terrible emotions that come with the breakups


Once again, my Mom reminded me 'go back to your mat' I have no idea why, but it took courage for me to return. To just 'be' with myself. But I went to yoga & the magic of yoga started having its effect on me again


My stressful life as a pastry chef - anti-social, long hours - motivated me to keep going to yoga for balance. After a while & noticing that I really wasn't that terrible I decided to take it to the next step and do the training


Truly, I don't know where I would be without yoga, its transformed my mindset. I'd be a negative person, always ready for a fight, angry at work & at everything, without any hope for a better & happier future


When I created this account I decided not to take shirtless photos because it takes away the attention on the real yoga.  Many people around me don’t dare try yoga because they feel they are too big - like I was - to do it. I worry that they see all these amazing people doing amazing things with a perfect body. So they don’t dare. The same way I didn’t dare at the beginning. I want everybody to know that yoga is for everybody


I want to share the love I have for yoga to people that might be in the same place that I was


I hate to think there are other people out there who might think like I used to. I used to think that I couldn’t do yoga: because I wasn’t flexible, too big, I am tall (1m92) & thought my body wouldn’t be able to do all the amazing things that a yogi does. But the yoga isn't the picture. The truly amazing things a yogi does, that's on the inside 🙏"



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