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Meet @rhythm_and_light sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚

"My husband was diagnosed with an incurable cancer & overnight I was thrust into a life of unknowns"

"Everything that mattered previously was insignificant, suddenly life as a supporter, caregiver, & advocate for a rare cancer patient was my primary focus


Life riddled with anxiety, I would find myself unable to breath yet trying to bury the internal panic to better support my husband & our three children under 4 years old


Yoga had always been something I had practiced, but it now became my anchor. Finding strength on my mat gave me strength in the crazy life that was my existence


Breathing through difficult asanas gave me the confidence to learn to breath again through the anxiety & pain that comes with seeing your loved one battle a disease. The mindfulness that existed during yoga became the mindfulness that kept me in the present moment with my family


Slowly life began to change. Our circumstances didn’t, given that my partner has had no reprieve from his cancer battle. But yoga gives life & purpose to the valuable hours and minutes and seconds of each day. It breathed life into a soul that felt crushed, making me human again to love & feel joy despite the darkness that is cancer


We were encouraged to make big life changes, which included a move across the country back home to California, settling in a mountain home that provided the healing elements of nature & the calm that comes with that environment


I began teaching yoga, my goal being to share the strength this practice had given me with others who were fighting battles of their own. Becoming a warrior from the inside out lead me to see the warrior in each student on their mat even if they don’t see it there themselves


My daily practice has become a guiding light to my walk as a caregiver, wife, mother, & teacher helping me to show gratitude with each present moment of life, because no other moment is guaranteed. Together this family is living life fiercely, loving deeply, & finding peace together. #yogasavedmylife & is continuing to save my family one day at a time"


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