"My sibling tried to push me down the stairs when I was one. According to those present, it wasn’t a game, it was hatred. The event set the scene for my childhood sibling relationship. People think abuse only comes from parents, but the older I get the more I realise it can come from anywhere. My parents, struggling with their own issues, did nothing to stop it & I learnt early on to rely on no one, to power down & zone out when something kicked off
I left home fiercely independent, with a stubborn determination to prove my worth. I studied psychology & had a career in mental health but in hindsight this choice perpetuated old patterns. The jobs I had were often with violent people but I refused to quit, it’s only now I realise I spend most of my 20’s living in a permanent state of high alert
I loved my career & I learnt so much that helped me understand my family, but it never really taught me anything about me
I started yoga at 18 & mental health wise I do believe it has kept me afloat, but my love for yoga hasn’t come from what I learn on the mat but from what I learnt off it
Studying the science of yoga has taught me everything about me
I understand how ACE's & toxic stress play out in the body and how my childhood shaped my brain and nervous system. I realise I’m hardwired to shut down, and can see how this tendency has played out through much of my life, in hindsight probably setting me up for the birth trauma I experienced with my son
I understand why I can’t tolerate raised voices, being ignored, being belittled or being in the spot light & see how my negative reactions to any of these affects my relationships
Its given me the confidence to remove toxic people from my life knowing the damage they do
Yoga has taught me how to read my body. I feel stress signals from my nervous system before my mind even registers there’s a problem, giving me more control over my reactions. I'm converted to the idea 'the body keeps the score.'
Saved my life? Maybe not, but yoga has certainly saved my sanity"