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Meet Nila Phi @fairy.phi & Vipin M @vipin.m.d sharing their yoga stories with us❤

Nila :"I started my yoga journey about 13 years ago. It started out as a way to stretch after spending too much time sitting at a desk or behind a computer. I had a chronic muscle knot between my shoulders from sitting at a desk. I am a writer by trade, so sitting in front of a keyboard is basically a given



Eventually, I began to realize that the days I did yoga were just better. I felt lighter and more confident, and much more relaxed in my mind. I never thought that my stretching would lead to such mental clarity. I began doing yoga more and more



An excellent yoga instructor once told me that we have to enjoy the journey. If all we aim for is to reach that perfect pose, then we lose out on appreciating all the time it took to get there. Alan Watts said “Life is a journey, not a destination.” I really feel like yoga has saved me in so many ways, its helped me to stop and appreciate each moment, good or bad, along this crazy life journey we’re all on 🙏 Nila



Vipin: "I remember being guided into asanas during my school days. Whilst being fun and joyful then, it was mostly a means to escape boring class rooms



I started practicing at the age of 10 and continued until I left school. Over time it just faded away and, honestly, I completely forgot about it. Although, I never imagined these seeds of Yoga that were sown in my inner self would stay there with me and develop over the years to come back and save me later during the difficult phases in life



This practice of gentle movements to postures allowed me to be more attuned with myself and the Earth



The most powerful practice of all being meditation. Being mindful helped me find calmness in my mind, and complete relaxation in my body like I had never felt before. Enabling to see things as they really are, NOT as I fantasized them to be!



This brought about incredible inner peace and happiness!



My journey with yoga is sacred & spiritual. I didn’t find yoga; I truly feel it found me and keeps finding me now and again 🙏 Vipin


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