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Meet @maryyysmith sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚

"Almost 2 years ago, I was diagnosed with reactive arthritis that left me debilitated and in extreme pain"


"My yoga journey began a couple of years before that with the hopes of acquiring the body and flexibility I had always wanted


Graciously, yoga would teach me so much more 🙏


However, as the arthritis took hold my entire body was attacking itself and I began to sink into a depression and a feeling of helplessness. I had put everything I had learned from yoga in the back of my mind because I was angry and confused


Once I realized this mindset was of no value to my healing process, yoga and meditation made its beautiful surface. It calmed my anxiety, healed my soul, and humbled me into the knowing that although my body may not be physically where it used to be, that isn’t the point of yoga


Yoga means to yoke or bring together. I was mentally and physically a mess. Yoga brought my mind, spirit, and body back together and gave me a new found hope for healing

💚 Mary" .



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