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Meet Madeleine @cosmic_lemons sharing her yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words

"In 2013 I was struck by a car while riding a bike & suffered a fractured tibia, pelvis, a compound fracture of my ulna, two fractured orbitals, a fractured skull, muscle tissue damage, a hospital induced coma, brain surgery, surgeries on my tibia & right eye post recovery & most disruptively a traumatic brain injury that left me disconnected, impulsive, melancholy, lost & scared. I lost friends & at times felt like I had lost my mind"


I survived childhood sexual abuse and trauma. I developed intense anxiety at a tender age & in my late teens I developed an eating disorder to cope - I found my first experiences of respite, peace & healing in the yoga classes I took while in therapy


After the accident I underwent multiple. repairative surgeries:

8 surgeries, 3 months of multiple bone fracture recovery, many months of ongoing physical therapy & 4 years of sometimes bizarre & complicated brain injury recovery later- with many ups & downs, a TON of YOGA, hard work & a constant will to never give up on myself & this beautiful & sometimes painful thing we call life



Yoga served as my saving grace during the physical & mental recovery. It gave me strength in body & mind & helped me back to myself. It taught me patience & a TON of lessons about life, love, friendship & compassion along the way 📷

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With deepest thanks & gratitude for my loved ones who stuck by my side & for the new friends & teachers that have since come into my life. 

I can honestly say I got through it! And that this experience has enriched my life & made me a better person


To anybody out there struggling through hard times my message to you is: Do not give up. There is light within & beyond the struggle & so many lessons in between. I'm alive today with a stronger will, a deeper understanding of who I am: living my yoga, practicing, studying, learning more & sharing what I've learned the best I can 📷



I teach yoga now because I want to share what I learned to help others find peace & strength through tough times



With lots of love 📷📷️


 Madeleine 📷


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