"Those who have loved a dog will know the love you share is like nothing else. So the moment my little angel died in my arms, I broke. My baby, & me, his mummy, who he trusted most in the world, who was now seemingly sending him to his death. Rat poisoned accidentally by a distant family member, his kidneys now failing him beyond hope"

"The moment he died my whole world collapsed. At the same time, and all related, I lost my dad from my life, I lost my job, my boyfriend, my best friend, my apartment, my sanity. The Universe got my life in it’s grip, and shook it of everything I attached to, all the elements which made my life “mine.”
So I slipped into a deep depression on the daily brink of suicide
I turned to drugs, every day. I was unrecognisable, and seemingly beyond rescue. I had hit rock bottom and dug a little deeper. I had two options: end it, or turn it around
But how to turn it around? In someone that didn’t want to be turned around?
After about 3 months of being in my darkest space, a friend managed to take me to a yoga class. The feeling I experienced afterwards was something I hadn’t felt in a long, long time. A feeling I didn’t think I was capable of feeling any more. So, this was it. My life’s saviour. I went to class every day, sometimes twice a day. And, quite rapidly, something was lighting up inside me through practice. I was feeling myself again, I was waking up from within 📷
I believe that the more dark we experience in this life, the more light we can become and give. I believe we are never thrown more than we can handle. So the harder the things which get thrown your way, the more of a welcomed challenge you can take it to be. Because it means this experience is yours to handle and grow from, like only you can
Losing Kaiser is one of my life’s tragedies I’ll never fully recover from. But the same pain which will remain in my heart is the very pain which lead me to yoga. Yoga - which saved my life - has now become my life
Thank you my little angel, always part of a much bigger divine plan. Love and miss you always 📷️