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Meet @kristinbosteels sharing her story with us. These are her words ❤ 

"For double mastectomy recovery - now around three years after surgery - supported backbends really reach deep into my armpits and the congestion that builds so easily from the surgery. Having your breasts removed is extremely traumatic and these chair poses have helped me deal with the PTSD. Sometimes it makes me cry, sometimes smile and sometimes I just want to stay in it forever because it makes me feel every single cell of my body and it reminds me that I am alive!! Yoga is so powerful and I can't even begin to imagine going through this experience without it. Truly 🙏 #yogasavedmylife . . "I graduated college in 3 years, in the last year I took 26 credits semester to make it happen; yoga saved my life . I got married and went through a divorce in my 20s which was not what I expected for myself; again, yoga saved my life . . Rewind to just over two years ago. I was in way over my head, stressed to the max & found a lump in my left breast. My mother died of breast cancer when I was 17 so I knew this was nothing to mess with. All of a sudden I was a 31 year old with invasive breast cancer. My world was crushed. My fate was losing both breasts and so much more of myself and I had no choice but to face it head on. Yoga. Saved. My. Life . . I did poses for anxiety, poses for depression, pre-surgical poses, post surgical poses, and pranayama. I practiced every single day and navigated my way through a brutal surgery and a grueling recovery. I am still recovering . . My teachers, Eddie Modestini, Manouso Manos and H.S. Arun saved my life. My practice saved my life and makes my life better and better every day. I was stripped down to my most raw form and yoga held me, nurtured me and never left my side. I share my story and experience almost daily through social media in hopes that I may inspire other women in turmoil to practice as well . . Yoga is the most powerful self-reliant healing system I know of and I give thanks every single day that I am able to step on my mat ❤🙏"


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