"It took me several attempts, over a decade, to truly ‘get’ yoga. I was a competitive gymnast as a child so mainly saw it as an opportunity to stretch and get upside down again until a trip to Sri Lanka changed everything" 🙏 . Meet @kimteachesyoga Pregnancy & power yoga teacher in the UK. Her #yogasavedmylife story is more one of transformation than salvation, but powerful nonetheless, and another example of yoga's power to heal mind & body. These are her words ❤ "I wanted to try a local yoga class and stumbled across a beautiful studio on Mirissa beach. As I was sat comfortably in sukhasana the teacher asked if I was a yoga teacher. I remember thinking ‘No, but why couldn’t I be?’ The next day I signed up to an intensive 200 hour yoga teacher training back home in the UK that started the next month and that I could do around my day job. What started as a desire to ‘get better’ at yoga became a turning point in my life Without yoga, I wouldn’t have had the clarity and strength to make major changes like resigning from a ten year career without a plan or job to go to. I’d also been resisting having a baby - clinging to my youth and freedom - despite being happily married and knowing that I wanted a family some day Six months later I still didn’t feel ready to have a baby but decided to explore this by taking a pregnancy yoga teacher training. Soon after, while working with my first pregnancy client, I fell pregnant I didn’t have a straightforward pregnancy and I sometimes struggled with the fact that my yoga practice had to evolve. It was a big lesson in letting go. After a traumatic labour resulting in a blood transfusion, I was amazed at how quickly my body healed. I believe this is all thanks to yoga I consider the ‘me’ today a better version of my earlier self. Today I’m grateful for every opportunity to share something that I love with others and to be able to put my yoga into practice as a mother every day 🙏❤" #heretobe
