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Meet @kimrobinson_yoga sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚

"Here I am about to open up about one of the darkest phases of my life & how it took a lot of effort and yoga to help me paddle through the stormy waters I was in" . "In 2014, I was at a very bad place. I'd battled with a severe eating disorder for 2 years & with depression & anxiety for over 5. Even though I was in a state of recovery, life seemed bleak & impossible to live . Nothing brought me joy & the therapies I tried also didn’t seem to help. Going to school drained my energy. All my relationships with friends & family that had already suffered as a result of the past years, continued to suffer. It seemed like every day I was falling back again into that dark hole I was in before . I often asked myself I would ever be able to fully let go of my depressed state & the anorexic thoughts that kept popping into my head. I just didn’t know what else to do, I'd tried everything . Just when I thought I had reached a dead end, a friend introduced me to online yoga tutorials. I confess I was skeptical initially. Would you believe the 180° flip my life took since then? . I started doing yoga via the video instructions thrice a week, ever since the surge of relaxation & mindfulness after that very first video! Yoga became a part of my daily routine & soon enough, I began practicing it for 1-2 hours daily . It restored my power every day. Clichéd as it may sound, yoga taught me that I hold the power to transform my thoughts & that alone was a great paradigm shift. I was able to tap into the various connections in my mind, body & soul and feel more complete, inching closer towards a deep sense of inner happiness . Now I’m an online yoga teacher with the focus on mental health. I chose to train people from the comfort of their own home, because I myself experienced what an immense power doing yoga solely online can have . Helping others transform their lives through the power of yoga, I believe, is my life’s true calling and nothing fulfils my soul more than knowing about the positive changes my students 💚 .


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