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Meet @kimmie_kdk_yogi sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us. These are her words 💚

"When I was 14 I was sexually assaulted and from this I was diagnosed with social anxiety fear and depression

In 2017 I went to my first yoga class. It was 75 minutes long. I was introduced by a friend & I wasn't sure it was for me


In the middle of the class I realized that all the fears & anxiety that we're always there, had gone quiet. My mind had stopped racing. I didn't bring anything up or think about anything. I was in the present & at the end of class my body felt calm and at peace: something I hadn't felt in a very long time


I was so amazed by this that I signed up for more classes straight away. This is how my yoga Journey started, although it wasn't consistent at first


In 2018 after going through a really toxic relationship, my anxiety and fear took over my life & I started having suicidal thoughts


In October of 2018 I knew I had to change: I knew when I went to yoga how wonderful and how good I felt but I also knew this fear was so strong it was hard for me to get anywhere .

It was affecting my job, affecting my parenting. So I started online challenges within the yoga community, putting myself out there publicly and openly. For me this was breaking up with fear. And the more challenges I did the more confidence I got , the braver I became, the more worthy of myself I felt


I felt alive again


I started going back to classes and I've kept going back and being consistent and practicing every day


Yoga is not only something I do for myself it's a way of life and it is a part of me now. It is a journey. It showed me a way. I show up every time for myself I get on my mat


I found myself again my true authentic real loving me 💚




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