"Yoga saved my life after surviving an auto accident with a fractured left arm, right rib, & C2: I was told that if it wasn't for my yoga practice, my spinal column would've snapped in half. Not only did it save my life, but it also facilitated my recovery on a physical, emotional, and mental level. Despite the hardships that come with accidents, the lessons learned prove to be more valuable than 1,000 hours of yoga teacher training"
. "So here’s to focusing on what’s possible versus what our limitations are✨Our strengths can propel us forward while our weaknesses can give space for greater awakening
It’s easy to let the setbacks bring you down, but hiding from your issues doesn’t make them go away✨Confront them, learn from them, & let the unfortunate events be valuable lessons✨I'm back to being happy to being alive & while each day now presents a struggle, I feel so strong just by lifting my head off my pillow🙏🏽
I always knew I was thankful for my practice but knowing that it helped saved my life along with the angels, brings my gratitude to another level
In case you needed motivation to get to your mat.. That 3rd photo isn’t me now, and it probably won’t reflect the new me once I’m capable of doing a backbend again, but that’s not the point
Your spine is a beautiful vessel that connects ground to divine while highlighting many powerful energetic centers along the way
Its not to say if you have an extreme backbend that you’ll live longer, but you can even do simple exercises like cat + cow or camel rocks to get the energy flowing so you can keep on growing + protecting yourself
So continue to breathe deep & move your body. DO YOGA...it might just be the one thing that saves your life in the end 💚
