"I have been a lot of people in this embodiment & it has taken many years & much dedication to step into my light. I have struggled with anxiety & depression, been overweight & had health issues caused by stress"
Meet international yoga, kundalini teacher Mary Haberski @yogasurflove sharing her story with us. Her words resonate as I've always been concerned that the tag #yogasavedmylife risks sending the message that we're holding yoga up as an instant, simple fix for all. Its not. As Mary explains 💚
"The version of me who you often see, is happy, healthy & radiant but that doesn’t mean that my shadow side doesn’t exist. Over the years, through the healing practices of yoga & meditation I have learned how to dance with & embrace my shadow sides. I now know my light wouldn’t shine as bright if I didn’t travel into the depths of my darkness
People often make it seem like success & enlightenment happen overnight. Those people are generally trying to sell you something. The path to freedom can take some dark & convoluted turns. The journey can be arduous & is not for the faint of heart. We must ride the wave of life & dive deeply so we may emerge to the surface anew & awakened
During the dark nights of the soul I turn to the ocean for tranquility & meditation for clarity. I practice prayer daily to support myself & our human family
I invite you to be still, drop in, & lean into discomfort. It is my promise to you that at the other side, something glorious awaits. You just have to be willing to do the dance & trust that you are safe, you are loved & all is happening for your evolution & highest good
My heart has not always been this open nor my mind this free. I have not always been this happy. I have struggled. A lot
I have been abused sexually, mentally, physically & emotionally. But an immeasurable gift found it’s way into my life. It changed me. Breath by breath, moment by moment, I began to heal. And this profound gift still heals me today
This gift is what I have dedicated my life to so others may heal with me. This gift is a constant reminder that this life is not for me, but to serve you 🙏"