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Meet @innerguidance sharing her #yogasavedmylife story with us 💚

"Anxiety, depression, joint pain, exhaustion, and mystery medical symptoms defined my life for 10 years" .

"I'd tried many medications & seen several doctors, but most treated me like I was a hypochondriac or just imagining my symptoms. I finally got a diagnosis of “fibromyalgia” about 5 years in but learned that there wasn’t much to be done. My doctors said I could try medications, but ultimately, this was something I would need to learn to live with


I tried “living with it” as best I could, but constantly feeling ill & in pain put a huge strain on my relationships & work. I had attendance issues at my jobs - & truthfully, the same could be said about my relationships - because on many days, I barely had the energy to get out of bed, never mind putting in 8 hours+ of work

. About 4 years after my fibromyalgia diagnosis, I was fed up with constantly bowing to pain, tiredness, & poor mental health. I got sick & tired of being sick & tired!


I didn't want to live my life from bed anymore, so I made "getting better" my personal research project. I had done yoga on YouTube on & off in the past, so I decided to make that a regular part of my routine. I figured that if I was going to feel awful anyway, I might as well feel awful doing something good for myself! I started attending a yoga class at a nearby gym


I distinctly remember feeling so relieved that I cried at the end of the first few classes. I was in less pain & came out feeling calm & energized. This was a catalyst in my journey back to health


Since, I’ve spent thousands of hours on my personal research project: healing myself. Like all journeys, my path hasn’t followed a straight line, but I can confidently say that I'm happier, more at peace, & more pain-free than I have ever been


I completed yoga teacher training in 2019 because I wanted to help others using what I've learned about healing my own body through the yogic lifestyle. Now, I own a business where I teach people how to better live with stress, low energy, & chronic pain through mindful movement, meditation, Ayurvedic food guidelines, & loving mindset 💚



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